Southwestern Energy (SWN) provided updated information on the company’s development of the Lower Smackover Brown Dense formation. The company has 563,000 net acres in Louisiana and Arkansas that is prospective for this play.
Southwestern Energy has worked on six wells into the Lower Smackover Brown Dense play to date, with the first two wells shut in for testing.
The BML #31-22 #1-1H well was drilled to a total depth of 14,700 feet with a horizontal lateral of 4,300 feet. The BML #31-22 #1-1H well was completed with a 19 stage frac job and produced at a peak 24 hour rate of 421 barrels of oil per day. Southwestern Energy has shut in the well for a pressure test and expects to put the well onto production in the fourth quarter of 2012. The BML #31-22 #1-1H well is Southwestern Energy’s third well and is located in Union Parish, Louisiana.
Southwestern Energy reported that the Johnson #21-22-1 #1 well, also located in Union Parish, Louisiana, was drilled to a total vertical depth of 10,507 feet and is currently waiting on completion. The company said that the company will start completion operations on the Johnson #21-22-1 #1 well in August 2012. Southwestern Energy expects to eventually reenter the well as a horizontal well at a future date.
Southwestern Energy is currently drilling two additional wells into the Lower Smackover Brown Dense play. The Doles 30-22-1H #1 well is expected to be completed horizontally with a 6,000 foot lateral. The company is also drilling the Dean 31-22-1E #1 well and has designed this well to be completed vertically at a depth of 10,450 feet. Both these wells are located in Union Parish, Louisiana.