Cabot Oil and Gas (COG) reported its earnings for the second quarter of 2010 and held a conference call on July 22, 2010, to discuss the results. The company is active in several major shale plays including the Haynesville Shale.
“In the Haynesville Bossier, as previously announced, Cabot has successfully drilled and completed its second operated horizontal shale well, Walters #1 well. COG had 54%, it was drilled to a depth of 18,946, with a lateral length of 4900 plus feet after 16 stage stimulation, the well, which was placed on production in July 9th and tested at 20 million cubic foot per day.”
“Cabot is also participating in nine outside operated Haynesville Bossier wells that are currently drilling, completing, or waiting on completion with our working interest generally between the 10% to 40% range. Haynesville wells in the area continue to produce at high rates with excellent recoverable reserves.”
Source: Seeking Alpha