Devon Energy (DVN) held a conference call on February 17, 2010, to discuss its fourth quarter of 2009 earnings report and updated investors on its operations in the Haynesville Shale. The company is at a fairly early stage of developing its Haynesville Shale acreage.
“On our Haynesville acreage in the greater Carthage area, we recently finished drilling operations on three wells in Shelby and Nacadoshous [ph] Counties. These three wells are currently being completed, and we expect to have results for you in the next quarter."
"This year, we plan to invest about $250 (million) of capital to further de-risk primary term acreage in both the southern and greater Carthage areas. We will run a five-rig program, drilling approximately 24 operated wells with both Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale targets.”
Source: Seeking Alpha