Haynesville Shale
A blog dedicated to investment opportunities in the Haynesville Shale
Niobrara Shale
Bakken Shale
Barnett Shale
Lower Smackover Brown Dense
Eagle Ford Shale
Fayetteville Shale
Marcellus Shale
Woodford Shale
Bossier Shale
Mississippian Oil Play
2011 Capital Budget
2012 Capital Budget
24 Hour Production Rate
30 Day Average
60 Day Average Production
80 Acre Spacing
Acreage Cost
Angelina County
Angelina River Trend
Average Daily Production
Beard Taylor No. 1H
Beckett 21H-1
BG Group Plc
Bienville Parish
Bienville S&G 11 H
Bienville S&G 26-15-9 H
Bienville S&G 35-15-9 H
Billy Harris No. 1H
Blackstone PB #1
Blocker Field
Blocker Heirs 20H
Blocker Ware #8H
Blue #1
Bosh #19H
Bosh Heisman #17H
Bossier Parish
Bossier Shale
Brasch Family H-1
Brent Miller Field
Brown #6-H
Bruin Prospect
Bryan 25H-1
BSMC 1 #1H
BSMC 11 #1H
BSMC 12 #2H
BSMC 13 #1H
BSMC 5 #2H
Burns Forest 1 H 1
Burrows GU #1-H
Cabot Oil and Gas
Caddo Parish
Calhoun #1H
Callon Petroleum
Capital Budget
Caplis 30-16-12 H
Caplis 4H
Caraway 29 #1H
Carry And Earning Agreement
Cason 14 H-1
Caspaiana 14-15-12 H-1
Cathage Field
Chesapeake Energy
Choke Size
Clark H #1H
Collins 10 #1H
Company News
Completion Backlog
Completion Costs
Comstock Resources
Conference Calls
Conly SR 27H
Conly SR 34H
Cost Per Foot
Cotton Valley Sand
Crane #26-1H
Crest C-1H
Crimson Exploration
Cross Creek 17-15-9 H 1
Cupples (12) H-2
De Soto Parish
Decline Curve
Denbury Resources
Devon Energy
Drilling Costs
Drilling Efficiencies
Drilling Locations
Driver 13-1H
Dunn 2-1
East Texas
Economic Impact
Edgar 31-1
El Paso
Elm Grove
EnCana Corporation
EOG Resources
Estimated Ultimate Recovery
Evans 13-2
EXCO Resources
Finding and Development Costs
Forest Oil
Frac Stages
Fuller 8-13-13 H-1
Fults #2-H
Garland 24H-1
Garland 25 H-1
George R. Mills No. 1H
GMX Resources
Goodrich Petroleum
Greater Carthage
Greenwood Waskom
Greenwood Waskom Metcalf
Grizzly #1
Gross Acres
Gross Wells
Halbert Trust #1
Hamilton Unit
Harris B-1H
Harrison County
Haynesville Shale
Held By Production
Henderson 1H
Hendry #1-H
Holly Project
Horizontal Well
Horn 5 #1H
Horn 8 #1H
Hurdle Rate
Hutchinson 30 H 1
Hydraulic Fracturing
Initial Production Rate
Internal Rate of Return
J and R Tiller #1-H
J. Caplis 5-15-12 H
J.M. Furrh #2-H
James Lime
Jimmy Woodard 34H-1
Jimmy Woodard 34H-2
Joaquin Area
Johnson 21-13-13 H-1
Johnson 32H-1
Joint Venture
Kardell 1H
King #1
King G.U. #1
Knighton 11-5
Lackey 21 #1H
Lateral Length
Lease Results
Logansport Field
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Louisiana Mineral and Energy Board
Lower Bossier Shale
M. Sanders 9-15-9 H
Marak 15-15-9 H 1
Marak 22-15-9 H 1
Marathon Oil
Marion County
Mary 14 H 1
Maximum Production Rate
May 8H 1
May 8H 2
Mendenhall 10H #1
Mercer #11H
Mia Austin #1H
Middle Bossier
Monadwerner 8-16-16-1
Moseley 14 – 1H
Murray #1H
Nacogdoches County
Natural Gas
Nelson 1H
Nelson 1H
Net Acres
Net Wells
Nettles 13-15-10 H
Newport Development 1-2
News Articles
Non Operated Wells
Oil Service Costs
Operated Wells
Operational Update
Owens #1
Pad Drilling
Pankey 23-14N-15W H-1
Panola County
Peak Production Rates
Penn Virginia
Permitted Well - Drilling in Progress
Permitted Well - Not Drilling
Permitted Well Waiting on Completion
Pettet Formation
Plains Exploration & Production
Producing Well
Production Growth
Proved Reserves
Proven Undeveloped Reserves
Proven Undeveloped Wells
PV-10 Value
Q1 - 2011
Q1 - 2012
Q2 - 2011
Q2 - 2012
Q3 - 2011
Q3 - 2012
QEP Resources
Querbes 18-16-16-1
Questar Corp
R Dean 1H
R. Wimberly 16-15-9 H 1
Ramsey 4 #1H
Rate of Return
Red River 164 #1
Red River 257 #1
Red River 257 #2
Red River 619 #1
Red River 619 Number 2 1-H
Red River 620 1-H
Red River 877 #1
Red River Parish
Renrew Lands 5-1
Restricted Production
Rex Young 6 H 3
Rex Young 6 H 5-Alt
Rig Count
Risked Resources
Rusk County
S.W. Henderson No. 1H
Sabine County
Sabine Parish
Sample 2H-1
Sample 2H-2
San Augustine County
SEC Pricing
Sentell 35 H-1
Shale Thickness
Sharp 2H-1
Shelby County
Shelby Trough
Sloan 4-12-13 H-1
Sloan 4-13-13 H-1
Sloan H-1
SM Energy
Smith #1H
South Area
Southwestern Energy
Spin Out
Spud Date
Spud To Rig Release
Spud To Total Depth
St. Augustine County
St. Mary Land and Exploration
State Mineral and Energy Board of Louisiana
Steele #2-H
Stockman Field
Sustainable Forest 23 H
Sustainable Forest 3#1H
T. Swiley No. 4H
Taylor Sealey No. 3H
Term Acreage
Timberstar Blackstone A1-H
Time To Drill
Timmons #3-H
Toledo Bend North Field
Toledo Bend South Field
Travis Peak
Unbooked Locations
Unit Corporation
Unrisked Resources
Upper Haynesville Shale
USA Bland Lake #1
Verhalen D #3H
Verhalen E #1H
Verhalen E #6H
Verhalen F #1H
Verhalen Prospect
Vertical Depth
Vertical Well
W&W Farms 33-15-9 H 1
Waiting On Completion
Wallace 36H-1
Walters #1
Waskom Field
Wayne Bryan 3H-1
Wayne Bryan 4H-1
Well Cost
Well Count
Well Locations
Well Results
Well Spacing
Wellbore Design
Weyerhaeuser 10H-1
Whitehead 9 #1H
Wimberly 21-15-9H 1
Womack 2-1H
Working Interest
Wren H-1
XTO Energy
October 2012
July 2012
March 2012
January 2012
November 2011
October 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
January 2011
December 2010
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
January 2010
December 2009
November 2009
October 2009
September 2009
August 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
2011 Capital Budget
2012 Capital Budget
24 Hour Production Rate
30 Day Average
60 Day Average Production
80 Acre Spacing
Acreage Cost
Angelina County
Angelina River Trend
Average Daily Production
Beard Taylor No. 1H
Beckett 21H-1
BG Group Plc
Bienville Parish
Bienville S&G 11 H
Bienville S&G 26-15-9 H
Bienville S&G 35-15-9 H
Billy Harris No. 1H
Blackstone PB #1
Blocker Field
Blocker Heirs 20H
Blocker Ware #8H
Blue #1
Bosh #19H
Bosh Heisman #17H
Bossier Parish
Bossier Shale
Brasch Family H-1
Brent Miller Field
Brown #6-H
Bruin Prospect
Bryan 25H-1
BSMC 1 #1H
BSMC 11 #1H
BSMC 12 #2H
BSMC 13 #1H
BSMC 5 #2H
Burns Forest 1 H 1
Burrows GU #1-H
Cabot Oil and Gas
Caddo Parish
Calhoun #1H
Callon Petroleum
Capital Budget
Caplis 30-16-12 H
Caplis 4H
Caraway 29 #1H
Carry And Earning Agreement
Cason 14 H-1
Caspaiana 14-15-12 H-1
Cathage Field
Chesapeake Energy
Choke Size
Clark H #1H
Collins 10 #1H
Company News
Completion Backlog
Completion Costs
Comstock Resources
Conference Calls
Conly SR 27H
Conly SR 34H
Cost Per Foot
Cotton Valley Sand
Crane #26-1H
Crest C-1H
Crimson Exploration
Cross Creek 17-15-9 H 1
Cupples (12) H-2
De Soto Parish
Decline Curve
Denbury Resources
Devon Energy
Drilling Costs
Drilling Efficiencies
Drilling Locations
Driver 13-1H
Dunn 2-1
East Texas
Economic Impact
Edgar 31-1
El Paso
Elm Grove
EnCana Corporation
EOG Resources
Estimated Ultimate Recovery
Evans 13-2
EXCO Resources
Finding and Development Costs
Forest Oil
Frac Stages
Fuller 8-13-13 H-1
Fults #2-H
Garland 24H-1
Garland 25 H-1
George R. Mills No. 1H
GMX Resources
Goodrich Petroleum
Greater Carthage
Greenwood Waskom
Greenwood Waskom Metcalf
Grizzly #1
Gross Acres
Gross Wells
Halbert Trust #1
Hamilton Unit
Harris B-1H
Harrison County
Haynesville Shale
Held By Production
Henderson 1H
Hendry #1-H
Holly Project
Horizontal Well
Horn 5 #1H
Horn 8 #1H
Hurdle Rate
Hutchinson 30 H 1
Hydraulic Fracturing
Initial Production Rate
Internal Rate of Return
J and R Tiller #1-H
J. Caplis 5-15-12 H
J.M. Furrh #2-H
James Lime
Jimmy Woodard 34H-1
Jimmy Woodard 34H-2
Joaquin Area
Johnson 21-13-13 H-1
Johnson 32H-1
Joint Venture
Kardell 1H
King #1
King G.U. #1
Knighton 11-5
Lackey 21 #1H
Lateral Length
Lease Results
Logansport Field
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Louisiana Mineral and Energy Board
Lower Bossier Shale
M. Sanders 9-15-9 H
Marak 15-15-9 H 1
Marak 22-15-9 H 1
Marathon Oil
Marion County
Mary 14 H 1
Maximum Production Rate
May 8H 1
May 8H 2
Mendenhall 10H #1
Mercer #11H
Mia Austin #1H
Middle Bossier
Monadwerner 8-16-16-1
Moseley 14 – 1H
Murray #1H
Nacogdoches County
Natural Gas
Nelson 1H
Nelson 1H
Net Acres
Net Wells
Nettles 13-15-10 H
Newport Development 1-2
News Articles
Non Operated Wells
Oil Service Costs
Operated Wells
Operational Update
Owens #1
Pad Drilling
Pankey 23-14N-15W H-1
Panola County
Peak Production Rates
Penn Virginia
Permitted Well - Drilling in Progress
Permitted Well - Not Drilling
Permitted Well Waiting on Completion
Pettet Formation
Plains Exploration & Production
Producing Well
Production Growth
Proved Reserves
Proven Undeveloped Reserves
Proven Undeveloped Wells
PV-10 Value
Q1 - 2011
Q1 - 2012
Q2 - 2011
Q2 - 2012
Q3 - 2011
Q3 - 2012
QEP Resources
Querbes 18-16-16-1
Questar Corp
R Dean 1H
R. Wimberly 16-15-9 H 1
Ramsey 4 #1H
Rate of Return
Red River 164 #1
Red River 257 #1
Red River 257 #2
Red River 619 #1
Red River 619 Number 2 1-H
Red River 620 1-H
Red River 877 #1
Red River Parish
Renrew Lands 5-1
Restricted Production
Rex Young 6 H 3
Rex Young 6 H 5-Alt
Rig Count
Risked Resources
Rusk County
S.W. Henderson No. 1H
Sabine County
Sabine Parish
Sample 2H-1
Sample 2H-2
San Augustine County
SEC Pricing
Sentell 35 H-1
Shale Thickness
Sharp 2H-1
Shelby County
Shelby Trough
Sloan 4-12-13 H-1
Sloan 4-13-13 H-1
Sloan H-1
SM Energy
Smith #1H
South Area
Southwestern Energy
Spin Out
Spud Date
Spud To Rig Release
Spud To Total Depth
St. Augustine County
St. Mary Land and Exploration
State Mineral and Energy Board of Louisiana
Steele #2-H
Stockman Field
Sustainable Forest 23 H
Sustainable Forest 3#1H
T. Swiley No. 4H
Taylor Sealey No. 3H
Term Acreage
Timberstar Blackstone A1-H
Time To Drill
Timmons #3-H
Toledo Bend North Field
Toledo Bend South Field
Travis Peak
Unbooked Locations
Unit Corporation
Unrisked Resources
Upper Haynesville Shale
USA Bland Lake #1
Verhalen D #3H
Verhalen E #1H
Verhalen E #6H
Verhalen F #1H
Verhalen Prospect
Vertical Depth
Vertical Well
W&W Farms 33-15-9 H 1
Waiting On Completion
Wallace 36H-1
Walters #1
Waskom Field
Wayne Bryan 3H-1
Wayne Bryan 4H-1
Well Cost
Well Count
Well Locations
Well Results
Well Spacing
Wellbore Design
Weyerhaeuser 10H-1
Whitehead 9 #1H
Wimberly 21-15-9H 1
Womack 2-1H
Working Interest
Wren H-1
XTO Energy
The Investor's Guide to the Energy Revolution
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