GMX Resources (GMXR) reported the completion of a well in the Haynesville Shale. The company said that the Blocker Heirs #20H produced at an initial production rate of 14.4 million cubic feet of gas per day.
GMX Resources said that the Blocker Heirs #20H was drilled with a 4,450 foot lateral, and completed using an 11 stage hydraulic fracturing operation.
The most recent Haynesville Shale well for GMX Resources was the Mia Austin #1H, which had an initial production rate of 14.1 million cubic feet of gas per day.
GMX Resources plans on drilling 5 more Haynesville Shale horizontal wells in the second quarter of 2010. The wells in estimated order of dates of completion are:
Verhalen D #3H – April 2010
Verhalen E #6H – April 2010
Blocker Ware #8H – Second quarter of 2010
Mercer #11H - Second quarter of 2010
Verhalen F #1H - Second quarter of 2010