Talisman Energy (TLM) held a conference call on November 2, 2010, to discuss its financial report for the third quarter of 2010. The company also disclosed additional information on its acreage in Texas that is prospective for the Eagle Ford Shale.
“We haven’t yet finalized plans for the Eagle Ford or for anything else next year and that’s why I’m really just saying to you that we’ll tell you all about that in January when we tell you the guidance.”
“If you’re going to have natural gas liquids, frankly, you might as well have them in the Eagle Ford because that part of the country is still natural gas liquids short so the price, essentially, is being set by imported natural gas liquids from somewhere else.’
“Let me start with the Eagle Ford Shale. We, in one of the attractive components of the enduring transition that we expect to close by the end of this year is that of the 97,000 acres, about 50% is already held by production through conventional production in the Austin Chalk so that puts us on a very manageable expiry profile in the Eagle Ford going forward with only, it’s like 50% of the acreage under the gun.”
“And then in the Eagle ford, the dynamics are clearly different with today a very large differential between gas and liquid prices, and so the break even in the Eagle Ford today, should those differentials be maintained, is also going to be well within that $4 an MCF break even. And those are all full cycle numbers as we always talk about.”
“The Eagle ford looks better because of the liquids component and that’s contributed to a much lower break even.”