Murphy Oil (MUR) is slowly developing the acreage position that the company has built up in the Eagle Ford Shale, and spoke highly about the Drees A-79 1-H Eagle Ford Shale well during the second quarter conference call. The company completed the well earlier in 2010.
“In well operations, we initiated flow-back on JOG Unit #1 well in Karnes County. The well was drilled to a total depth of 15,500 feet with the lateral section of 4,205 feet. The well is currently flowing at 524 barrels of oil per day in the initial clean-up stage.”
“This well is five miles from our previously announced Drees A-79 1-H oil well that IPed at 1,476 barrels of oil per day and now five months later that well is still producing at 435 barrels of oil per day. Plans are to continue to appraise this area with likely sanction of an oil develop later in the year.”
“The Drees A-79 1-H well is a pretty nice looking well. I’m getting myself some data here in front of me. I have to say it’s a pretty straight-line decline and we originally thought that these wells would recoup something in the 350,000 barrels per well."
"We’ve recovered well over 100,000 barrels from that well so far in the first five months. So that’s clearly not the right number. I would think that we would be well north of 500,000 barrels from that well.”